It’s OK To Celebrate Christmas At Work

The Christmas Season is the most joyous time of year in our country.  We celebrate friendship, the blessings of family and the greatest gift of all. Thank God that we all still have the freedom to celebrate Christmas. Unfortunately, reports on the national news and social media have created an incorrect perception that we can no longer celebrate this great holiday openly in our businesses and workplaces. Many of us have felt compelled to greet others with “Happy Holidays,” instead of “Merry Christmas,” or, hold a “Holiday Gathering” instead of a “Christmas Party.”

This perception of a legal prohibition is in error. A business or corporation has the legal freedom to celebrate the holiday in almost any reasonable manner that they see fit.  The 1st Amendment to our United States Constitution gives us this great right and privilege. No business in Bartow County has ever been shut down for Christmas decorations or having a Christmas Party. As a case in point, pay special attention to many major corporations in our town, like Hobby Lobby and Chic-fil-A, during this holiday season. You will see decorations and will likely be listening to Christmas music in their places of businesses. Watch for Hobby Lobby’s full page add in your newspaper right before Christmas.

So, go ahead and break out your decorations, music, Christmas trees, and manger scenes. If you want to hold a Christmas Party, feel free to ask your manager to let you. If you are the manager or owner, know that you are legally allowed to throw a party, as long as it’s not obligatory.

During this special time of the year, showing our fellow man joy, peace and love are far more important than any legal precedents. The real reason for celebrating Christmas is to reflect God’s great gift of love.  Do everything with joy and love! Let your place of business be the most joyous and merry place in town, not only will your business grow, but others will want to celebrate this special holiday in their homes, businesses, and workplaces.

May we all be grateful for the great freedoms we are blessed with in our Country, and may we all show our fellow man joy, peace and love this Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all!